Ford Peck
Individual and Couples Counseling
"The wound is the place where the Light enters you." Jalaluddin Rumi
Healing is a natural process. It is not something that needs to be forced, only allowed. Often the beliefs and strategies we formed when young were helpful and necessary at the time, yet they can linger on into adulthood and limit us rather than assist us. Therapy is a process of unwinding what is no longer true or helpful, exploring what is most essential and true, and resting into a deeper sense of wholeness, authenticity, and well-being.
Our identity, our sense of self, is formed in relationship. All the limiting beliefs and emotions we may carry from our past are most quickly identified, healed and transformed through relationship. Relationship with a partner is a profound journey. This intimacy can be a source of greatest joy, and it also will often reveal the places in us which most call for deeper understanding, compassion, and healing.
Individual Counseling
Counseling can be deeply helpful at times when you feel most challenged, or when you feel most called or inspired to grow. My job is to meet you where you are and to help you uncover your own answers. I can teach you how to find a sense of ground and stability within yourself and how to best support the process of inner growth and healing. What you learn and discover can support you in moving ahead in your life with a greater sense of enjoyment, more resiliency, and more connection with your own power and your own love. You can feel the benefits of our work together in your personal life, your work, and most certainly your relationships.
Couples Counseling
From the moment of our birth, we all long for connection. We are designed to feel most full, secure, and joyous when our needs for connection are fulfilled. When our sense of connection is disturbed, especially with a spouse or partner, the experience can be deeply painful. When relationship difficulties arise, counseling can help you restore a sense of love and connection. I am a trained Emotionally Focused Therapist, and EFT has been extensively researched and shown to be the most powerful and effective form of couples therapy. Love no longer has to be seen as such a mystery, nor the conditions that help it flower as so elusive. There is a proven way to reconnect, and I will walk with you on that journey.
About Ford
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist #116677
Education and Approach:
Ford is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in California. He has an undergraduate degree in psychobiology (Trinity College, 1989) and a masters degree in counseling psychology (Pacifica Graduate Institute, 1997). He has practiced as a somatic healer (SHEN physio-emotional therapy) since 1998, and has been a yoga and meditation teacher for over 25 years. He is a certified teacher, certification supervisor, and senior trainer of iRest (Integrative Restoration) Meditation, and has helped to train many psychotherapists in this simple and profound healing modality. He brings an extensive background in somatics and nondual spiritual traditions to his work with clients. He is able to help clients cultivate mindfulness and discover an inner resource of well-being. This can greatly accelerate the natural process of healing, growth and transformation.
Contact Ford
Feel free to contact me by phone or email, or send me a message by filling out the form below:
Marin: 900 5th Ave., San Rafael, CA 94901
San Francisco: 1738 Union Street, San Francisco, CA 94123415-967-1678
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